Primary 1 Christmas Blog
Primary 1 have been enjoyed singing, signing and joining in with the actions to our new Christmas…
Journey's in P7
P7 have been enjoying learning about Journeys this half term! This week, we have looked at our…
First week back in P3
We have had a great first week in P3. We have been working on putting in place our individual…
Learning Choices P1
In Primary 1 this week we have enjoyed making learning choices, working on our key skills and…
P4 had a great week settling in to the new school year!
Skeletons in Science P6
P6 have been focussing on getting used to a new daily routine and building friendships within the…
KS1 Climbing Frame
Look at our new climbing frame!
This week we have really enjoyed exploring out new…
Euro Blog P4
As part of the Euro 2020 football tournament, each class has been allocated a team to learn about…
Sponsored Slide P1
Today in P1, we are participating in a sponsored slide. As a class we are trying to raise money…
P7 Euro 2020!
This week, P7 have enjoyed learning about Russia in preparation for Euro 2020! Each class across…
Animals P6
This half term in PE in P6 we have been incorporating our dance topic with our Creative and…
Animals and their habitats P5
In P5 we have been focusing on Animals and their habitats!
We explored the school pond as a…