Image of Boogie Woogie Nativity!
4 January 2023

Boogie Woogie Nativity!

In December, the Primary Department performed their production of 'Boogie Woogie Nativity!' An…

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Image of Bonfire Night P4
10 November 2022

Bonfire Night P4

In Primary 4, we have been learning about Bonfire Night. We discussed the importance of remaining…

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Image of Primary Halloween Disco
10 November 2022

Primary Halloween Disco

Last week we hosted our annual Halloween Disco for Primary pupils! We saw lots of fantastic…

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Image of The Anglo Saxons KS2
4 November 2022

The Anglo Saxons KS2

In Key Stage Two, the creative topic for Autumn term is 'The Anglo Saxons'. Today in P6, we learnt…

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Image of Water Topic P5
14 October 2022

Water Topic P5

In P5 this half term we have been learning about Water, we have studied the Water Cycle and…

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Image of Maths in P3
3 October 2022

Maths in P3

P3 have been learning about place value and addition in Maths this half term. As a class, we have…

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Image of Outdoor Learning in P4
29 September 2022

Outdoor Learning in P4

In P4 we have had our outdoor learning session today. We enjoyed having the opportunity to play…

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Image of Gross Motor Skills P2
27 September 2022

Gross Motor Skills P2

Today in P2 we have been working on our gross motor skills targets in PE.  We played different…

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Image of P6 Autumn Topic 'Water'
23 September 2022

P6 Autumn Topic 'Water'

P6's creative topic for Autumn 1 is 'water'. We have been learning about water in many ways. In…
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Image of King Charles III P6
16 September 2022

King Charles III P6

In P6 this week we have been remembering and reflecting on Queen Elizabeth II's life. One of our…

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Image of Start of the Year P5
16 September 2022

Start of the Year P5

P5 have made a  great start to the new school year! We have been getting to know new routines…

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Image of Getting to Know Eachother P7
13 September 2022

Getting to Know Eachother P7

This week in P7 we have been getting to know each other. We have done lots of activities. These…

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