3/4I Lancashire Book of the Year
This week, students from 3/4I visited Accrington library to attend the first workshop meeting for…
Broadfield Specialist School
Both KS3 and KS4 boys football teams visited Broadfield Specialist School for some friendly…

The Sensory Gym
Cherry Tree class had a fantastic time at Sensation, the Sensory Gym, on Friday. We enjoyed…

Secondary Silent Disco!
On Wednesday, our Secondary department enjoyed their first experience day of the year. We had a…

Apple Tree: European Day of Languages
European day of languages
Pupils from Apple Tree played instruments to French music, tried…

3ST: Drama
3ST have been working on emotions in Drama, we have been listening to music and talking about how…

Secondary Experience: Author Tom Palmer
Tom Palmer (Children's Author) came into school on Monday 30th September.
Tom is an author from…

Going Green
In Key Stage Two, the creative topic is 'Going Green'. Maple class have been learning about…

Lancashire Cricket Club
This half term, the secondary department have a coach from Lancashire Cricket Club coming in to…

Tor View's got Talent
On Thursday 18th July we held 'Tor View's got Talent'. Two of our students narrated and hosted the…

Summer Fayre!
On Saturday, we welcomed families and friends into school for our annual Summer Fayre!
It was…
Marl Pits Colour Run
On 5th July, a small group of year 6 and 7 pupils were invited to join in with a colour run at…