The students in 3D have been working hard in their Key Skills this week and for the whole of last half term. They are working on a range of targets covering English, Maths and PSD (personal social development) aspects.  Each Monday parents use Dojo to send in photographs of the weekend activities for their child.  These are used as a stimulus for whole class speaking and listening and then, later in the week, to produce some written work which can be read aloud to the class.  In maths the class works on number targets (counting, addition, multiplication)P one day per week and then on geometry and measure targets (such as shape, time, direction) on another day.  On Friday we focus on the PSD and this could include safety awareness, independent personal skills such as learning to tie shoelaces or playing a game independently with a friend.  Each day we prepare with a "wake up" activity such as 'Brain gym' or yoga to ensure the students are ready for their learning tasks.