Tor View School has been commissioned by Lancashire's District 11 Inclusion Hub (Hyndburn and the Ribble Valley) Headteachers’ Board to be the delivery partners for their Inclusion hub strategy.
The Headteachers’ Board identified 3 key priorities:
#1: Develop an understanding of available services & pathways for learners with complex behaviour
#2: Develop increased understanding of needs and High-Quality Teaching
#3: To reduce exclusion rates and managed moves
In order to achieve these priorities, six recommendations were proposed:
Recommendation #1: Review of District 11 Schools to ascertain current level of need and teaching for complex needs
Recommendation #2: Develop a provision map of support for SEND and complex behaviour
Recommendation #3: Respond to support requests promptly
Recommendation #4: Provide appropriately skilled and experienced staff to offer high quality outreach support
Recommendation #5: Deliver High Quality Teaching & Learning Strategies for Communication & Interaction / SEMH (additional SEND available as required)
Recommendation #6: Facilitate a range of part-time interventions specifically related to co-regulation and self-regulation learning and emotional awareness
Recommendation #8: Facilitate and lead local clusters in schools to provide peer-to-peer support in local school forums and communities