This academic year, members of staff from Tor View School and The Sea View Trust conducted a research project on behalf of the Department for Education and the National Association for SEN (nasen). To look at how schools could best deploy specialists, in particular, Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapists to improve outcomes for learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN).


The team analysed survey results, interviewed schools nationwide and drew everything together through an Expert Panel made up of leaders with specific expertise in SEN and the deployment of Specialists in schools.


We focussed on developing a series of resources which aimed to support SENCOs, School Leaders, Parents, Carers, Children and Young People in better understanding how Specialists could be used to help learners with SEN.


The resources can be found below:

Deployment of Specialists in Mainstream Resources

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Find out more

Visit the nasen SEND Gateway blog and the webinar page.