Welcome to the Secondary Department

In the Secondary Department, we are always working hard to inspire, learn, enjoy and achieve. Our teachers give us lots of opportunities to develop new skills and apply them in lots of different ways. We are constantly learning new facts and skills which will help us as we grow up and become a young adult, working towards an appropriate level of independence.


If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Acting Head of Department, Mrs Susan Gallagher, using the Contact Us Page or by ringing 01706 214640.


The Vision

We aim to provide a stimulating and creative learning environment that allows all pupils to reach their full potential. We achieved this through a carefully planned child-centred curriculum that has been designed to reflect the learning needs of our students. Our Secondary Department ethos is: Promoting independence, resilience, and active engagement in purposeful learning.


Moving into Secondary

We understand that moving from Primary School to Secondary School is an important transition for all children and their families. At Tor View, our aim is to create individual transition programmes for all new pupils in order to ensure that the move is as smooth as possible. Due to the current pandemic, we have modified our induction programme in order to safeguard all pupils, their families, and staff. Our normal induction programme includes:  


For pupils:

  • An opportunity to spend time in the new department, to meet the teachers and support staff and to access the Secondary yard.


For parents:  

  • An opportunity to attend a transition meeting, including a tour of the Department and to receive answers to any questions or concerns.


This year, we will be hosting a virtual meeting, which will still allow you the opportunity to meet relevant staff and receive answers to any questions or concerns you may have.


Teaching Groups

Pupils are taught in ability based teaching groups. This grouping allows lessons to stretch pupils and match work closely to their ability. It also allows pupils with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.


Our classes are arranged in to Key Stage groups, Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11). Occasionally, we may have groups which cross both Key Stages, depending on the needs of the pupils.


Form Groups

Each pupil in the Secondary Department has a form tutor who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of his/her form, updating Key Skills Care Plans, and making contact with parents.  The form tutor is the first point of contact for parents and is keen to establish good relationships.  Parents are welcome to write or make comments to discuss any issues in their child’s home school diary. Alternatively, you may phone the form tutor who will respond to your message at the earliest convenient time, which may be at the end of the day due to their teaching commitments.


As well as a form tutor, each form also has 2 or more Teaching Assistants (TAs).  TAs have an important role in supporting the work of the form-tutor and meeting the needs of the pupils.  


If you want to find out more about our Department, please read the Department Brochure below.



Check out our Department in the virtual tour below: